Dear Departed Soul

It seems
You were with us just a moment ago
But you are not with us now
Comprehensible to the senses
Difficult to sort in heart and mind

It seems
The child in us is ever present
At times confused, lonely and afraid
Wondering in awe, grasping for reality
Trying to touch, feel, and fathom

It seems
That in life we expand
That in death we shrink or shrivel
That in birth we marvel
Gasping for meaning of life itself

It seems
There is more to life than living
There is more to life than suffering
There is more to life than death
There is more to life than rebirth

It seems
Good moments in past brought joy
Memories of the same moments now bring pain
Because the past cannot be brought in to present
What gives pleasure, also gives pain

It seems
In death, only close ones grieve
Not so. Every body and every thing grieves
The house, the air, the pets, and plants too
You have naturally touched them all

It seems
When death brings separation and numbness
A little infant looks at you and smiles
Innocently, lovingly, and sweetly
Giving some meaning to life

It seems
Your pain is now healed
You are beyond human emotions
In peace and tranquility
For ever in safe hands

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