Religion and Spirituality

What is religion? Let your scriptures explain
What is spirituality? Let your heart explain

Look around the world and it seems:

Religion divides mankind in various groups
Spirituality bonds an individual to humanity

Religion has been an excuse to wage wars
Spirituality starts with silence, ends in peace

Religion produces lots of rhetoric
Spirituality is calm and naturally deep

Religion claims origin in date and prophet
Spirituality needs no prophet nor origin in date

Religion has written scriptures and interpretations
Spirituality needs neither written word nor proof

Religion is framed and marketed by believers
Spirituality is the essence of existence itself

Religion’s protectors wear titles and garbs
Spirituality inherent in Man needs no garb

Religion properly understood leads to spirituality
Spirituality is the sea into which religion merges

Religion tries to define right and wrong
Spirituality thinks no wrong, does no wrong

Religions claim superiority over one another
Spirituality is effortless and not competing with anybody

Religion is an individual’s external identity
Spirituality is an individual’s inner world

Religion connects man to an external God
Spirituality connects man to the peace within

Religion says ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Spirituality connects energy to energy

Religion has God to worship and please
Spirituality knows no rituals nor boundaries

Religion claims to be God fearing
Spirituality is fearless and free

Religious men love and hate hypocritically
Spiritual person is ever loving and caring

Religious man protects his religion
Spirituality has no fences to defend

Religion offers passport to heaven
If you abide by rules and total faith

Spirituality offers no passport
Has no need to travel anywhere

Religion encourages group involvement
Spirituality empowers inner self to radiate

Religion raises money through contributions
Spirituality needs no outer source to thrive

Religion can be a training ground for spirituality
Spirituality does not have to start with religion

Religion is branded onto a newborn baby
Spirituality is the latent quality of a baby

Religion has a brand name
Spirituality is anonymous, a latent force.

Religion has created classes and levels
Spirituality knows no level to discriminate

Religion has a place to pray
Spirituality is practiced from the heart

Religion tries to bond man to God
Spirituality identifies God in man

Religion converts man from one faith to another
Spirituality knows no convrsion, there is nothing to convert

So it seems that Religion and SpiritualityAre discreetly complementary to one another!

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