Remembering your Spirit

Spirit is a thirst for freedom and harmony
Spirit is a thirst to share and behold
Sprit is not an acknowledgement of anything
Spirit is a feeling inside, which excludes nothing

Spirit is not a faith and has no name
Name usually implies an identity
Spirit owns or claims nothing
Spirit empowers nothing but freedom

Spirit defies any description
Spirit is not a concept or emotion
Spirit cannot be captured or trapped
Spirit flows freely touching everything

Spirit flows freely like a flooded river
Touching and wetting everything in its path
Flowing and winding around obstructions
Nourishing vegetation and life all along its way

Spirit is my constant and silent companion
Through my birth, life and beyond
My life experiences are mine alone
The Spirit is guiding me through it all

Spirit is not my thoughts
Spirit is not my conscience
Spirit is so pure and free
Nothing afflicts it as it does me

Spirit stays with me every moment
Whether I acknowledge it or not
Constantly connecting me to everything
Everything within me and without

Spirit is not about a higher plane
Spirit is not about a lower plane either
Spirit knows no plane nor boundaries
Spirit is all pervading and caring

Spirit is not an Angel touching my shoulder
Spirit is not a light glowing in front of me
Spirit is not darkness hounding me
Yet Spirit has always been with me, I know

Spirit does not claim me
Nor do I claim the Spirit
We are together in all its meaning
Fused together as one forever

Spirit is not about believing, but feeling
Feeling in the guts of our very being
That all animate and inanimate
Exist In union for no reason but one

In the depths of our very being
There is a noble silence that uplifts
We can sense it, we all know
Through our instinct, through our Spirit

Remembering our Spirit is
Not a trip to name and fame
But opening the door to visit
Our own self and its freedom

Attachment to anything transient
Brings pleasure and pain
Understanding true nature of Spirit
Offers freedom and joy forever

Rightfully so, science provides proof
For every thing that is theorized and postulated
Spirit demands no proof, because
In the joy of union, there is no need

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