Slavery of Man

Men are born unequal in each society
In each country around the world
As if decreed by nature and Man
For the past, present, and future

Because slavery exists in all humans
Does not make it right
Legal abolition of slavery
Does not make it disappear

At all economic and social levels
Slavery is practiced by Man
Of increasing vices and decreasing virtues
To fuel the fire of personal greed and ego

Practice of slavery, physical or mental
Under the guise of human endeavor
Brings power and pleasure to the controller
Sweat and suffering to those controlled

Lust and thirst for power and pleasure
Never quenches for Man and his greed
So exercising slavery becomes second nature
For Man of constant greed and multiple vices

The very word slave flashes a picture on mental screen
A man with shackles on his wrists and feet
A submissive expression on his face
To serve the master and his greed

Shackles on the wrists and feet do not make a slave
Forced labor and harsh commands do not enslave a soul
For those who practice slavery, punishment does come
At a right time, from their own conscience within

Slavery is practiced in different forms
The harshest form being the slavery of the mind
For once the mind is enslaved
Human spirit and freedom is sacrificed

Slavery is an abuse of the body, mind, and spirit
An abuse so commonly exercised by Man
At home, at work, in all social interactions
Only visible if we pause and reflect on our self

Slavery exists and is practiced only by humans
But not by any other living species in the world
Humans are blessed with the power of thinking
Hence they are responsible for all of their actions

Slavery stunts the growth of Man
In all aspects of human endeavor
Slowing the progress of human raceTowards the path of peace on earth

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