Rebellion of Man

Rebellion reflects inadequacy in oneself
Rebellion is negation of harmony
Rebellion is frustration personified
Reflecting in spoken word and actions

Rebellion is not setting oneself up
Rebellion is about challenging the norms
Rebellion is like hitting a brick wall
Inflicting injury primarily on oneself

Active and passive rebellions
Are opposite sides of the same coin
One hides while the other one shows
Playing a game of hide and seek

Rebellion pitches the injurer and the injured
Both sides get injured
How can there be a victor
When both sides lose

Rebellion is youth without reason
Youth is not an age or a crusade
Crusade is neither logic nor judgment
Rebellion is only a negative energy

Rebellion is judging others constantly
Judging others is so easy and effortless
Judging self takes effort and commitment
Knowing self is positivity and strength

How convenient it is to point a finger at others
While your own multiple fingers point at you
Look at your own faults
And first judge thyself

Rebellion is a misguided missile
Advancing to target unknown
Explosive and destructive in force
Hitting wrong target, producing wrong result

Rebellious energy channeled with positivity
Pursued with vision, vigor and right focus
Continually advancing with corrective actions
Promoting logic, reason and scholarship

Scholarship is not about just reading and writing
Scholarship is learning to discriminate
Discriminate between right and wrong
In each and every situation on your own

Right and wrong are vibrations
Vibrations within ones heart
Fine tuning those very vibrations
Helps one blossom into a human

Positive energy leads to positive results
Negative energy to negative results
The choice is always open for us
To create or to destroy

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