Prose: Twinkle of the Lightening Bugs

Superstitious person digs a hole in the ground around himself which gets deeper and deeper until he cannot climb out of it by himself.


A superstitious person is invariably an emotional and
so-called religious person.


Each one of us is a composite of two castes. One is the lower cast (Shudra in Sanskrit) and the other one is the higher cast (Brahman in Sanskrit). Shudra represents that part of us that is afflicted with the negative energies of the physical body which include anger, envy, cruelty, violence, greed, indulgence and immorality. Each one of us has some of these negative energies that make us a Shudra. Brahmin is that component of us which makes a conscientious effort to raise the level of personal positive energies including harmony, sympathy, love, charity, equanimity, and inner peace. Shudra and
Brahman are not castes but different levels of energies and consciousness.


It is always so much easier to help others sort out their
problems than it is to sort out our own.


As we live longer in our house, we tend to know every
little detail about which item or article is in which place.
We have been living in our body ever since we were
born and yet we care to know so little about it.


Only a slave can know what it means to be enslaved in mind, body and spirit. And only a slave can feel the real joy and privilege of freedom.


Mr. Mandela was enslaved in his own home land, South Africa. He rose in stature as a free man because he refused to hate his captors and fearlessly negotiated freedom of expression and the right to live in dignity for himself and his people. A free man loves and trusts himself and therefore radiates friendship for all. Mr. Mandela had followed Mahatma Gandhi's example of non-violent confrontation set initially in aparthied South Africa and later in British ruled India. Non-violence is a powerful and effective force when understood and applied properly at the right time.


We bump into an object only when our mind is wandering in thoughts. We bypass the same object only with conscious choice. Instead of kicking a door for coming in our way, we should kick our self. We usually do by promptly calling ourself “shit”.


Mind your "Mind" judiciously. In the human body, stress-induced chemical imbalances are solely responsible for causing every disease. Stress is primarily a perception
of the human mind. The chemical imbalances in body contribute to physical imbalances and dysfunction. It is a viscious circle of cause and effect which can only be broken when the cause is removed.


God does not live in a far off place called Heaven, and
the Devil in a place called Hell. Both God and Devil reside in our heart. Man's mind is constantly balancing God and Devil's presence in the heart. It is this balance that determines a man's disposition at a given moment.


Science tells us that something cannot be produced out of
nothing. It is a correct statement based on the fundamental
truths of Physics. However, consider how the human mind perceives life around it and creates chemical and physical changes in our body. A happy mind creates useful chemical changes in the body. A sad or depressed mind creates stresses which in turn produce chemicals detrimental to the normal functioning of our body. Thus it seems that the human mind is capable of producing something out of nothing.


Independence, interdependence and dependence are
complementary skills used by humans in chartering their
journey through life. Those who manage to cultivate a harmonious balance of the three skills become successful in life’s endeavors.


Modern scientists have learnt to identify Genes and the genetic code DNA. Through these and other related scientific advances, it is now possible to identify latent or potential abnormalities in a fetus or the unborn child. Some physical abnormalities can now be corrected in the fetus itself. These are the cumulative developments of the past four centuries. Recognize that prior to the scientific era, several centuries ago, self-enlightened philosophers on the Indian subcontinent used tools of “Intrspection” in order to advance human knowledge and to comprehend meaning of life and its relationship to the universe at large. They envisioned and suggested that the human genetic code is capable of transmitting physical, chemical and emotional balances as well as imbalances that contribute to the overall make-up of the new born child. Based on their deductive logic, they laid out road maps for enhancing individual consciousness. These self-enlightened and selfless individuals are respectfully referred to in India as Rishis. A self-enlightened individual is one who relies on inner personal experiences to advance consciousness and identify universal truths that do not change - Ever.


And don't forget to have a little bit more fun every day.
What fun? You define it.


If you cannot identify your personal God in your own
heart, then you may not be able to find him anywhere else in the world
or universe.


Nurture and develop a child to feel, freely think and express, and be functional. Do not train a child to become a genious lest he go nuts and turn you nuts in return.


Do not try to find an answer to every question in life.


Religion is a group activity where as spirituality is an
individual experience.


There is no greater love than love of your self (not selfishness). Through that love will evolve love for people around you and ultimately comprehension of the divine love and bliss.


In Auschwitz, Poland 10,000 Jews were killed per day including children, women, and men. That was in Second World War (1940-45). Be aware that similar carnages have occurred throughout human history and are occurring even today on every continent and even in your backyard Man has yet to learn the true meaning and the spirit of the word "Civilized".


When Man gives up the will to live, his immune system falls apart.


Psychiatrists and psychologists talk about personalities. We are talking about souls. There is a big difference between the two that words cannot describe or fahom.


Intuition is knowledge gained without conscious thought. It is a built-in reservoir, and it is like a sleeping giant within the human body. Once you wake him up, beware
of his prowess. Honor it and use it.


If you want to know the Truth, do not believe or disbelieve in anything until you have carefully and fully examined with an open mind. Trust your self.


Work performed with love, equanimity, and devotion to selflessness becomes meditation and prayer.


Physical work does not make a person sick. Worrying about
it does.


Giving charity has never made a man poor.


The places of worship called church, temple, masjid (mosque), gurudwara seem to overemphasize their pretentious role in bartering a relationship between the believer and God. The channel between a sincere believer and his personal God is always wide open unconditionally.


Meditation is not a religious ritual. It is not an invention of the Eastern or Western religion or philosophies. Meditation is not denial of anything. Meditation is not
just one unique rigid system. Meditation is not an intellectual pursuit. Meditation is not a topic for casual conversation or debate.

Meditation is for every individual who wants to take full responsibility for a quality life rewarded with good health, vigor and wisdom on a daily basis at each moment of existence. Meditation helps reveal our real self that hides from all sensory perceptions.


Exercise should be fun and a natural part of daily life style.


A tiger does not go to a gym to pump iron in order to develop strength and those graceful muscles. Every step the tiger takes is a graceful muscular movement. The tiger
also knows the importance of eating frtesh food and taking adequate rest.


Animals do not read or write cookbooks. But they certainly enjoy the food they choose to eat.


Miracles, it seems, happen to others. But miracles can also
happen to you if you let them.


Food eating should be fun. Thank God for the food on your plate. Healthy food eating does not mean dieting or denial of food; it simply means making wiser choices constantly. Diet plans and diet fads are for the ignorant who fall ready prey to promises of fast results. Haste is waste is an advice we all hear in childhood, and it applies to every aspect of our life. Follow Mother Nature and her unwritten but abundantly clear rules of good eating. Notice that animals do not over eat nor do they follow any diet fads.


“If we ever have a second chance at the past it is the
unconscious that gives it to us. We can go home again
because a part of us never left. Paradoxically, only
journeying backward in time and reentering the home we
once knew allows us to go forward to the home we have
always wanted.” (quote from Gloria Stein's book
Revolution from Within).


Gloria Stein wrote "What I write is exactly that which I
need to know". Tennessee Williams said he writes to stay
sane. C. Day Lewis wrote, "We do not write to be
understood. We write in order to understand".


When you move in your new house or residence, remind
yourself that you are a transit passenger in the journey of
life. Thank the house and the environment for allowing
you to stay there in anticipation of a pleasant journey


During 7000 BCE (Before Common Era) Chitrakut was a
beautiful landscape in the midst of a dense forest in India.
Legendry Rama, Sita and Laxman chose Chitrakut to build
a cottage for their shelter. The Hindu epic Ramayana
describes the 12-year exile imposed on crown prince
Rama by his father, King Dasharath. Rama’s wife Sita and
brother Laxman voluntarily accompanied Rama. The exile
was to be in total seclusion in the forests. The trio had built a
cottage by using materials procured entirely from the
forest. Finally it was time to move in the cottage to
occupy it as their residence. Just at that moment, Rama
pauses, turns around and faces the lush green flora and
fauna. Folding his hands in respectful prayer, Rama
addresses Mother Nature around him saying "Oh mighty
trees, shrubs, greens and living creatures, we have come to
live amongst you in these very pleasant surroundings.
Please accept us and bless us. We wish to live here amongst you in harmony. Please forgive us for any unintentional mistakes we may have committed while
constructing this new cottage for our shelter".


True and complete healing of a person can occur only
when both physical and emotional healing occurs. There
are no shortcuts.


Each individual’s physical abilities and limitations are
different and unique and therefore the needed daily
exercise must be tailored with a strong thread of common
sense. The exercise patterns should be varied often to
minimize boredom and resulting abandonment of exercise.


Take full responsibility for yourself because nobody else


Meditation will calm your irritations and channel your
energy to improved consciousness.


God is only positive energy. Receive it. Never fear it.


Your mind can be positive or negative. Only you choose.
Body and Soul are different levels of consciousness.


A combination of events driven by the mind is destiny.


Each choice we make has a consequence. We own full
responsibility.for the choices we make.

Life is a mystery. Enjoy it. Do not try to solve it.


Heaven and Hell are judgments of the human mind and its


We place lot of blind faith in the medicine pills that we swallow daily. If we place the same amount of faith in our self, we may end up accomplishing a lot more in life; even discover ourself


Truth triumphs on its own strength.


Love alone wins.


Revel in the miracle of birth from a non-intellectual dimension and not from a scientific frame of mind.


Humanity is only a very small ingredient of the universal identity.


True education is broadening our vision and horizon.


Man proposes and God facilitates.


Purest form of prayer is free of any asking.


Each action has a reaction. Each reaction has a consequence.


Purity is absence of impurities, just as light is absence of darkness.


Action-reaction, cause-effect, creation, preservation, destruction and balance are integral and eternal forces of nature.


Fighting always hurts both sides. How can there be a winner when both sides loose? Most destructive fight is fighting with your own self.


Seed your heart with love and you will exude love.

True love lays no preconditions.


Adversity is a blessing in disguise. Face it.
Adversity is a noble teacher. Learn from it and respect it.


Knowledge and information is not wisdom. Let your heart
explain the divide. Calmness exists only on top surface of
deep waters.


Blessings are vibrations that connect two individuals having different levels of consciousness.


If miracle happens once, it can happen again. Have faith.


Freedom from any want is self enlightenment.


Mind impairs spirituality.


Spirituality is not an explanation. It is a realization and an experience.


One explanation always has another explanation. A
universal truth stands on its own without any ambiguities.


Mind can never be permanently satisfied just as a bottomless pit can never be filled.


Anger is sole manifestation of inadequacies. Love is manifestation of fulfillment.


Domain of spirituality is only within an individual.


Masses = Man + Assesses.
( Prof. P. R. Deshpande, Dhantoli, Nagpur)


The true punishment inflicted on an individual is the one
inflicted by self.


Satisfaction is the best reward for an action.


Poverty, hard work, affluence, indulgence, and then back to poverty is the inescapable clock of Man’s fate. This clock cannot be reversed; it may only be slowed down
with virtues of charity and simplicity. The same clock works for nations and civilizations.


Immortality is a mirage chased by mortals.


Men are created unequal. Mankind makes it worse.


Politics is the art of finding weak grounds and building castles on them.


Unconditional love sparks and touches the heart.


In universal creation, no two are identical as a reflection in mirror.

Rationality suggests that God is a non-dual principle.


God neither punishes nor rewards. Then what does he do? That is for you to answer.


God’s presence can be experienced but not any words.


Religion is man made, but God the universal principle is not.


Only a strong person effectively radiates humbleness.


Sharing is growing.


Personal ego is made of stuff which dissolves very slowly.


When you say that “I want Peace”, the simple thing you need to do is remove the “I” and the “Want” and then you have only Peace. (Vedanta philosophy)


Acquisition of wealth is not bad. Perception of it can make it so.


Anger, revenge, and indulgence are toxins that only destroy.


Life should be lived not by rules but by instincts.


Right and wrong is always an individual perception. No words can make it so.


Adults lay down the rules and explain "why". A free born
child asks "why not".


Arrogance is destructive. Empathy is constructive and infectious.


Only mankind pollutes this earth. And they think they are
the smartest.


The universe has no concept of time, nor does it need one. Only Man needs to know what time is it.


A lion in the forest knows he is the king. Man challenges him because he is not.


Self-righteousness is arrogance of those who choose ignorance and need to broadcast that they are born-again.


All animals and birds live in the present moment. Only Man lives mostly thinking about past or future, rarely concentrating on the present.


Only the heart nurtures and navigates spirituality.


In war an unconditional surrender is defeat, but in spirituality a victory.


The word God is often used in support of self righteousness, promises of monetary contributions and election votes.


Respect thy elders and forgive their shortcomings. There may be wisdom underneath the grey hair.


Adults are people who should continue to grow and let children grow up also.


“If I cry, I cry alone. If I smile, the world will smile with me”. These were the words uttered by a friend of mine just two weeks before he died. I had known him only for two months prior to his death.. He would walk every day in my office after lunch to chat for a while. He had told me that during lunch-break he likes to take a walk in open air and that he frequently has to go to Gottlib Memorial Hospital near by for small sessions of radiation therapy. Since he mentioned it very casually, I never prodded into his personal life. We had become good friends from day one. He would often ask me about my work responsibilities and some times narrate his background in Industrial Engineering. But he never mentioned to me that he was terminally ill with cancer. Within two months after I had known him, cancer had claimed him. His name was John. In those two brief months, John had taught me precious lessons about life without even talking about it even once.


Carefully observe and appreciate the essential nature of freedom, interdependence, and effortless maintenance of balance in the kingdom of Nature all around.


Portland Cement is supplied as a fine granular powder packed in moisture proof bags. If the granular particle comes in contact with moisture (water), it hardens prematurely and then looses its virgin ability to bond. However, when the dry granular powder is mixed with mortar and water in proper ratio just prior to applying it in construction job, it provides an excellent and long lasting bond forming cement-concrete. Premarital sex is like cement and water interacting prematurely.


Communication is not necessarily a well spoken or a written word. Effective communication is at times empathy and a vibration without a word.


Information and knowledge is what you collect all the
time. Wisdom is how you apply it.


An open and unbiased mind suggests that “God neither
proposes nor disposes”. This statement is not a negation
nor affirmation of God, but simply an honest effort for a
deeper understanding or comprehension of our very


Adversity is not your fate. Adversity is a noble teacher. Respect it and learn from it.


Personally, I choose to use the English word revelation or the equivalent Sanskrit word “saakshatkaar” to imply an answer that surfaces after conscious search in the realm of either technical, philosophical, metaphysical, or in total silence of
human consciousness.


Total silence is a great synthesizer of wisdom in the framework of human consciousness. It has the energy to reduce life to its utmost simplicity.


A “Truth” is that which does not change and can withstand
the utmost scrutiny by anybody at any time. Universal
truths are not created; they simply exist eternally.


A sincere teacher is always willing and happy to help a genuine student. A teacher feels blessed when a student asks for help. It is a mutual relationship in true sense of the word.


Hinduism's Vedas, books of knowledge, are the oldest formulated and written words of Man. Vedas were enunciated progressively over a period of centuries and captured or encapsulated in verses that were recited long before written language was developed. Vedas were recited and passed on verbally from generation to generation through centuries. A methodical system of recitation was developed by ancient Indian Rishis/philosophers and their willing students.This massive and disciplined effort through centuries was undertaken to ensure continued transfer of knowledge of Vedas from generation to generation. Vedas communicate universal wisdom for mankind; and for this reason Vedas are epics. Gradually Vedas found expression in written form through the Sanskrit (means refined or mastered) language. This note is written as an acknowledgement and appreciation of the massive effort of countless Rishis and their students who selflessly labored to preserve the knowledge of Vedas for mankind. Similar credit goes to other books of universal knowledge that have been generated and preserved by other civilizations through the history of mankind.


Faith can move mountains is an old and wise saying. Faith, knowledge, and dedication facilitate free flow of universal energy. Faith devoid of love and inquiry may stifle progress. Discriminate wisely between faith and blind-faith because there is a fine line between the two. Let your heart explain the divide. Blind-faith, like quick sand, may drown you and lead you to ignorance and darkness.


Each individual nurtures the desire for a Guru who can communicate universal wisdom. The word Guru is a combination of two words. “Gu” implies darkness, and “Ru” implies light. Therefore Guru is one who guides an individual from darkness to light or from ignorance to knowledge. Stature of a Guru is not about literary scholarship. Guru is embodiment of a noble heart ever willing to share wisdom and extend a helping hand. A genuine Guru is a sincere friend, a noble teacher, and guide for the earnest seeker of universal wisdom and harmony. The unconditional friendship and love of a Guru for his student is a noble force. A Guru is not necessarily always a person. Mother Nature is an excellent Guru; just observe and listen to it carefully. The ultimate Guru is “Silence” which reveals universal wisdom through its own language and vibration. Silence is ever present in our heart to guide us.


The best sermon we will ever hear will be heard in utter silence of our mind.


If behavior of others is bothering you, don’t try to change them; instead change yourself.


In childhood, religious worship is a ritual to follow and entertain the developing mind. Through these rituals arises a discipline of reverence for an ever present, ever guiding and ever caring friend. The child may address his friend as God or by any other name of choice.


Healthy and disciplined mind is a positive mind. Positivity of mind helps redefine concepts of happiness and true joy of life.


Only negative people get bored. Creativity kills boredom. Creative people stay healthy and happy.


Each individual is born free, but relinquishes his or her freedom too readily to conform. Animals do not surrender their freedom so readily.


Conquerors of new land impose their way of thinking and their religious beliefs on the subdued native inhabitants. It is presumed by the conquerors commanding brute force that they are standard bearers of everything that is right.At this point, religion is no longer a search for individual identity but merely a smoke screen of self serving righteousness.


Spirituality is an individual journey, not a selfish enterprise.


Man wraps his religion around himself for his social identity. Spirituality cannot be wrapped around oneself because it is inner consciousness. Religion can be described where as spirituality can only be experienced.


Let your heart explain the difference between your religious identity and your spiritual identity.


Freedom, fearlessness, and simplicity of the human mind can unleash the power and wisdom to comprehend the true nature of our Source which we seem to address with different words such as God, Allah, Ishwar, and many other comparable but equally vague terms.


Do not let the true essence of religion get burried under the heavy weight of traditions, rituals, labels and ownership..


Moral authority erodes quickly when preaching and practice are not in sync.


Leadership is about serving selflessly and not ruling selfishly. Statesmanship is about raising the bar of good leadership for constantly harmonizing and balancing diverse views without sacrificing individual human spirit.


Anger is a negative force at best, and therefore it is only capable of producing negative results. Add to it envy and greed and you have a potent brew to unleash destruction.


Respectfully listening to others way of thinking and not trying to force ones opinion on them is a positive attitude towards developing mutual respect. Reasonable people disagree agreeably and establish a positive relationship.True and genuine respect is only expressed in deeds, never in words. Respect for another person is a
personal vibration, not a word. A word only reinforces the personal vibration but does not initiate it. A word is wholly inadequate to express the emotion and vibration of respect.


Even a 6-month old child spontaneously and intuitively assesses an approaching adult and decides whether to extend its arms in acceptance of the adult or not. In this situation, it seems that instinct over rides the mind. Intuition is a powerful force that adults seem to negelect or disregard.


The aggressor asserts that “Might is right”. But that
does not make it right.


Emotional and moral bankruptcy is the ultimate form
of poverty.


A free mind does not close its windows and doors ever. It wants to understand, establish, and embrace truths.


If you try to find world in God, you will find religion
and frailties of Man. If you try to find God in world,
you will find yourself.


Satisfaction without peace is always incomplete. You can have all the wealth and pleasures of life to satisfy your needs, but without peace of mind you will feel incomplete. It is better to be aware of this while climbing the mountain of personal ambition.


Physical exercises and work-outs are efforts to improve wellness and competitive performance. New exercise fads come and go. Yoga is a system which has been practiced and refined over centuries. Yoga promotes harmonious union of mind, breath, body and inner consciousness. Yoga’s ultimate focus is not about any competition, but simply to comprehend eternal nature of our universal Source.


Footprints establish the presence of a person and the direction in which he has travelled. A thumbprint establishes his body’s external identity. His DNA establishes internal (biological) identity at its minutest cellular level. The DNA imprint also broadcasts that the individual is only one of its kind without a parallel. Only twins may have identical DNA. On the contrary, an individual’s spiritual identity has no physical or biological imprint for any physical records; it is his universal and eternal identity. Who cares about your spiritual identty? Your own “self” does.


Like a computer, our mind is an accumulator of information and arranges thoughts in logical sequence. However information, thoughts and logic alone do not generate wisdom.


Beware of dreaming small. Life will not offer you anything more than you can dream.


Attachment and love are two separate vibrations. Attachment is fascination that rises and ebbs like a tide. Love, true love, is forever calm and unconditional. Love at first sight is a poetic expression for the drunk.


Anybody who promises Heaven as a place of escape to a mortal, should be able to show the realestate as well. In addition if wine, good food, and comforts of life are the promises of Heaven, all of those very things are also available on Earth, why then bother to move so far away? Does the occupancy or residency in Heaven guarantee immortality and what does it really mean? Limitations of human mind become clearly obvious.


Mother Nature’s lease on your life runs out in 100 years, with a few extensions granted in special cases. After your lease runs out, what choices do you really have? A realization dawns that you are only a transit passenger on planet Earth.


You do not have the right to choose your heritage. Accept it and be proud of it to maximize yourself. Reject it and you will minimize yourself.


A cluttered space mirrors the clutter in the mind of the person using it.


If the race of Man self-destructs and disappears from the face of Earth, this planet may indeed become a more lovely and beautiful place. Man is the worst polluter of this plant. Without Man and his polluting habits, the ecology of planet Earth will soon come into a harmonious balance and continue to evolve merrily and sustain itself effortlessly as well as very efficiently.


In Marathi language there is an old saying that “Walls have ears”. If you utter a negative comment about somebody in his absence, be sure that he will hear it one way or another. Be aware that even a negative thought of yours about a person, which is only a silent vibration, will also be felt by that person. It is like the beam from a Laser gun aimed at the Moon that hits the Moon’s surface and bounces straight back to the gun. Shun negative utterances and emotions and replace them with positivity to enrich yourself.


The way you give is exactly the way you will get it back.


Behind a successful man, there is always a woman. This is an old philosophical and revered statement. However, modern free press has revealed that in some cases, behind a successful man is another man!


When you have a high riding euphorious and adamant ego about your own set of beliefs/values and you want to impose them on others, then knowingly or unknowingly you become a cult member. At this point, you consider your beliefs/values to be the absolute truths without even a shadow of doubt; whatever you believe in is right and what others believe is obviously wrong. In this approach to life, rational thinking seems to be a missing component. Most dictatorial oppressors through human history have pursued this path to ultimate self destruction.


Do not confuse between love and fascination although both are vibrations of the heart. There is a difference between the two. It is like rainwater falling on the Earth. A part of it flows freely, effortlessly and around obstacles to join a stream, river and eventually the sea. Another part of it ends up in a dead-end puddle where it stagnates. Love, flows freely like river water and stays pure.


In personal relationship, fascination happens at first and love
comes much later. Fascination may happen instantaneously and end abruptly, but love grows incrementally without any outside limits.


In personal relationship, the size of diamond, platinum, gold and other material goods are expressions of mutual fascination but not of love. Constantly be aware of the fine line between fascination and love.


A doctor can only perform an objective diagnosis and prescribe appropriate medications.But ultimately the patient must heal himself.


God does not choose a favorite Man. A Man chooses his favorite God.


You can fool the world all the time. But you cannot fool yourself even for a moment.


You feel hurt only when somebody you like and care for, hurts you.


Roll of a church, temple and mosque is that of a shepherd. It is to guide the flock to a safe and green pasture that is under the direct supervision and energy of the blue sky.


Most insecure people demand the most respect and attention.


God is manifestation of the conscious level of Man.


Smile and try to make others smile, it will cost you nothing. Frown, and it will cost you a bundle.


Every thing that happens has a reason; it is not always important to know why. But, every thing we choose to do consciously in life, must have a reason.


If you believe in some thing, make sure you understand why and trust yourself.


Simultaneous confrontation with total darkness and total silence is frightening because there is an apprehension of something unknown lurking out there. When darkness and silence is internalized in total absence of any fear, a new light emerges which reveals the true self.


Man creates illusions of magic and miracles. Bystanders watch the magician and miracle makers with awe. God, a universal principle, is neither a magician nor a miracle maker.


Everything we choose to do in life should have a purpose. Yoga is a system of exercises to improve physical health, balane and mental concentration. These faculties are necessary for effective meditation. Meditation is an effort to focus individual energies for further and progressive introspection which is a journey within. Yoga and meditation are both efforts undertaken with a purpose. Effective meditation gradually leads to a state of involuntary suspended consciousness. No word in any language can describe this effortless state of consciousness, because it is entirely an individual’s inner experience. A Guru that is a self-enlightened teacher helps you realize that meditation is the “Cause”, where as the effortless state of consciousness is the “Effect”. The effect is self-enlightenment, an effortless presence, out of which the true identity of self surfaces.


We are a mirror image of our own consciousness. If we believe that God exists, then we also exist in his image. If we believe that God does not exist, then we also do not exist. If we believe that God is energy, then we are also energy ourself. Each self-enlightened Guru suggests that only when we experiences an effortless presence in silent meditative consciousness, duality ceases to exist in every aspect of life. At that point there is no further need for anything whatsoever.


I and Zero are two different states of Man’s consciousness. I stands for Ignorance which defines Man’s ego, where as Zero is the effortless state of self-enlightenment. I has boundaries, and Zero imposes no limits in any direction.


Conditional love represents attachment and limits. That seems human! Unconditional love has no boundaries, no limits.


Hinduism is a grape vine of universal consciousness and a philosophy that encourages exploration of self with an open heart.


A Saint is not a miracle maker nor a magician. Saint is the embodiment of noble qualities that every individual constantly yearns for. Sainthood is not a title to be earned or awarded, but it is an inner experience that exudes and embraces, one and all.


Kabeer was a Sufi poet who lived in India during 17th Century.. He has been revered by Muslims as well as Hindus alike. Once God came to Kabeer and asked him, Kabeer do you know your God? Kabeer answered, “God knows me”. It was a brief conversation, and then God left.


Love with attachment is conditional and offers human bondage. Love without attachment is self-less and guarantees total freedom.


We are reborn because we failed the test last time. Do not repeat the same mistakes.


World must remain a big diversity of people and practices. Never impose your will on anybody else.


In personal relationship, love with attachment produces expectation; and expectation is the root cause of pain in life. Remove attachment and you have pure love which is a noble quality. That is why selfless work is revered universally.


Consciously or subconsciously, everyone has a Guru that is constantly providing guidance from ignorance to knowledge. Guru is not necessarily a person with a beard and dressed in white or safron robe. A Guru may not necessarily be a person either. Your intuition is your constant Guru communicating without a spoken word. During nine months before birth, your mother’s womb was your Guru. During the first nine months after birth, your mother’s touch and unconditional love was your Guru. Through a Guru you sense creation, preservation and universal balance. You and your Guru are searching for each other constantly to fill a void. Ultimately, you become what you are searching for.


You arrived in this world naked and without any luggage. Don’t try to leave this world with any baggage.


Politicizing a blind faith makes a Religion
Logic and reason make a Philosophy
Proving universal facts beyond doubt is Science
Consciousness that embraces universal truths is Spirituality


Oh God
Going to hell is not my intention
Going to heaven, I do not know the way
I have decided to stay with you for ever
This is my address, I have come to know

Note: The above is translation of following thought in Hindustani language which is a blend of Hindi and Urdu languages.

Ye Allah
Jahannam me janeka mera irada nahi
Bishta me janeka muze pata nahi
Terehi saat raheneka irada kiya hai maine
Yahi mera pata hai, maine jana hai


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